
Chris Maurer: Exposing misinformation and lies by omission

Chris Mauerer is a lawyer and child rights activist living in Houston, Texas. He is optimistic that the message of the Intactivist Movement will ultimately prevail, because it is based on not only the moral high ground, but also on rational arguments, a sound medical basis, and a desire to expose misinformation.

Jacqueline Maire: A foreign nurse trying to make sense of Genital Mutilation

Jacqueline Maire, a retired nurse from France and British Columbia, levels an emotionally charged and indeed angry appraisal at her fellow female colleagues.

Some have commented that her remarks are overly abrasive if not misdirected—and perhaps they are—but they also give voice to the way that those who live outside of cutting cultures view circumcision: Genital mutilation that is at best bizarre and at worst cruel.


Travis Wisdom: Bridging Feminism and Intactivism

Travis Wisdom, a student of Women's Studies, discusses Feminism as a foundation for Intactivism.

He recently organized a daylong conference at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas to discuss male circumcision and the issues surrounding identity and body owner­ship: Cutting Culture:

  1. Circumcision, An Overview

  2. Tuskegee Redux? Legal and Ethical Problems of the Ramp Up to Male Circumcision in Africa

  3. The Medical Ethics of Male Circumcision

  4. The Impact of Male Circumcision